These are some of the people that have used their recently acquired mining knowledge, gained through either Workready or the Introduction to Underground Mining DIY packages, to get themselves a start in the Hardrock Mining industry and up on the wall of fame below.
It just shows that if you know what is expected of you on site, then you have something to offer the employers
When you get your start, you can send a text or short video message, letting the team here at Underground Training know of your success and we will add you to the Wall of Fame.
The Wall of Fame
Just wanted to say congratulations to Rhys who did our DIY Intro to Underground Mining course and just got a start as a trainee on service crew in March 2021!
Well done Rhys, hope you have a safe, long and profitable career!
Just wanted to say congratulations to Hayley who did our DIY Intro to Underground Mining course and just got a start on the service crew in February 2021
Just wanted to say congratulations to Ben who did our DIY Intro to Underground Mining course and just got a start as an underground driller offsider in January 2021
Just wanted to say congratulations to Alison who did our sponsors DIY Intro to Underground Mining course in November and just got a start as a Truck driver in QLD January 2021
Just wanted to say congratulations to Brett who completed the sponsors Workready package a couple of months ago
He has got his start and has been put on the Service Crew at one of the big base metal underground mines in QLD December 2020
Hope you have a long and profitable career
Just wanted to say congratulations to Mark who got a start as a truck driver for a gold mine FIFO from Perth in November 2020
He completed the sponsors Workready package and he used all the tools he was given to get a great result, you can see Mark’s comments on our sponsored YouTube channel Australian Mining for New Straters
Just wanted to say congratulations to Alex who completed the sponsors Workready program last year. He got in touch (November 2020) to let us know he got his start with one of the big contractors on a Truck driver.
It just goes to show if you are prepped for how the system works, it gives you all the tools to chase down your start.
Just wanted to say congratulations to Peter who got a start on the shotcrete crew for a QLD mine up north October 2020
He completed our Workready training and didn’t just chase one job down, but a couple, with different companies, he used all the tools he was given to get a great result
Well done Peter hope you have a long and profitable career
Congratulations to Jesse who used the DIY package to get a start as a Nipper, you can read his feedback from our sponsored YouTube channel
Well done, hope you have a safe, long and profitable career!
Congratulations to Darien who starts on site as an Offsider August 2020. He completed the DIY training, changed his resume and kept applying. After 3 months of applying he landed the job he wanted
Well done Darien
Just wanted to say a big congratulations to Rob who has got a start as a underground truck operator through the sponsors partnership program in January 2020
He used the sponsors DIY package to get his mining knowledge up to speed and once you can answer the mining questions in the interview then you have something to offer the employers.
Rob followed the advice, casting a wide net and he kept applying till he got his start, well done mate just goes to show what you can do for yourself with the right information
Congratulations to Sam who has a start on a truck after completing the Workready program.
Sam applied to our partnership program from NSW, doing the medical and getting his letter of offer before making the long drive over to Kalgoorlie.
Well done, hope you have a safe, long and profitable career!

Congratulations to Simon who has a start as a Truck operator on what is going to be one of the biggest underground hardrock gold mines on earth.
Great long term job, in a lovely part of the world and again it was all about learning the information, then casting a wide net applying for jobs daily.
Well done, hope you have a safe, long and profitable career!
Congratulations to Greg who got himself a start on paste crew
Greg completed our Workready package, using it to expand his mining knowledge and come up with a plan on how to get his job
Coming from a shop fitting back ground, Greg has that life experience that lots of employers are once again looking for
Well done hope you have a safe, long and profitable career!
Kev (WA) completing the Workready program and with no previous mining experience has shown that once you get your mining knowledge up to speed its all about applying daily and taking the opportunity when it presents itself. Well done!
After completing the Workready program in March 2019 and with no previous mining experience Gideon (WA) impressed during interviews with his mining knowledge developed through the course. He was fortunate to be offered TWO entry level roles! Well done Gideon!
Matt from QLD recently completed our online Workready program in November 2018. He has successfully gained employment as an Underground Truck Driver with a gold producer in Kalgoorlie commencing December 2018. Well done Matt.
After hearing us on 6PR, John completed our Workready program. Since completing the program, John has been successful in gaining his start as an Underground Truck Driver for a gold producer in Kalgoorlie through our Partnership Program. He will commence his new role in December 2018.
Mick got his start with a Contractor on a BHP site in WA after completing Workready November 2018
Angelo got his start with our Partnership program at a mine just outside of Kalgoorlie after completing Introduction to Underground Mining DIY November 2018
Paul got his start with a large Copper owner operator in the north of WA after completing Workready October 2018
Paul got his start with a small gold owner operator in SA after completing Workready June 2018
Leith got a start with one of the big contractors in QLD after completing Introduction to Underground Mining DIY March 2018
Kelly who is starting a new role as a Nipper for BHP in SA after completing Introduction to Underground Mining DIY December 2017