WA Ticketed Shift Supervisor

What is a WA Ticketed Shift Supervisor?

All mines in Western Australia currently operate under the Western Australia Mining Act, the only dedicated mining act in Australia. All other states in Australia fall under their individual states Workpace Health and Safety Legislation guidelines. If mining companies are operating mines in Western Australia and other states, they must operate under the strongest safety legislation, being the Western Australian Mining Act.

A Western Australian Ticketed Shift Supervisor is a person deemed competent by the WA Mines Department to be able to run an underground Hardrock mine crew in Australia. This is also an recognised qualification worldwide and is highly respected. To be eligible to apply for a Shift Supervisor ticket, a minimum 5 years underground experience is required and sit a written and practical exam with an exceptional result. To gain a W.A shift bosses qualification requires a bare minimum of 5 years experience- in writing, & to go through an in-depth 3 hour exam- & 60+ percent of applicants fail on their first attempt.

All our courses have been developed and written by qualified Shift Supervisors.